Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Midnighters 2: Touching Darkness

The midnighters are five teenagers living in Bixby, Oklahoma who have the privelage, and sometimes punishment, of getting to live an extra hour each day, that happens at the strike of midnight. With this extra hour comes special powers, such as mind reading and flying. But the midnight hour is not all fun and games. Evil creatures, known as Darklings, can only survive in the secret hour. To these teenagers, the Darklings can be deadly.

In the second installment in this trilogy, the reasons for an entire generation of midinghters going missing comes to light. Something that suprises the teens even more, is some of the missing midnighters are not even dead and they know secrets too horrible to share.

Throughout the novel, one of the characters, Rex, goes missing and there is reason to believe he will be used by the darklings in a fate worse than death. His best friend, Melissa, would do anything to save him, even going as far as to break the trust of one of their other friends. By breaking this trust, she puts other people's lives in danger.

1.) If you could have special powers, but they also came with the dangers of monsters constantly trying to kill you, would you still want the powers. Explain.

2.) Melissa was only trying to save Rex's life when she broke the trust of her other friend. Would you be willing to put someone's life at risk if it was to save someone close to you? Explain.


Josie D 7/8 said...

1. Hm, that's a tough one. I think I would not go for it. It's very dangerous and if God wanted me to be able to do those sorts of things, he would have given them to me at birth (but I wasn't born at midnight, so not so much). Besides, I'd probably end up hurting myself with all that special power.
2. I think I would be willing. Of course, I would try to find away to keep everyone alive. But a broken promise for a good reason is better than losing someone.

AnaleeL7-8 said...

1. Even though it would be so much fun to have powers I would choose not to have them because i would not want to live a life of fear.

Nicole H. 7-8 said...

I agree I don't think I would choose to have the powders if I was living in a constant state of danger. However if I could help people with my powers I think I would be more willing to choose to have the powers.

Ashley B. 1-2 said...

1) I agree with you all so far. I wouldn't choose the powers because of living in the danger but being able to help people would make the powers more worthwhile.

Hannah J. 7-8 said...

1. The special powers wouldn't be worth it. you couldn't have any fun with them knowing someone waas trying to kill you.
2.It would all depend on who it was...maybe.

Millie W. 7/8 said...

1) Yes I would, even if there were monsters attacking it would still be cool to have that excitement in my life. Maybe I would do it just to get a change from boring monotonous life.

Heather B. 1-2 said...

I agree with Josie that a broken promise is much more favorable than losing a close friend.

Heather B. 1-2 said...

I agree with Millie that special powers, danger included, might be a nice change from boring. But I think, after a while, I would prefer boring over danger.

Anna W. 1-2 said...

1.No, I wouldn't want special powers if I would constantly have to be careful about what I did. Like others have said, it may be exciting at first but the danger and worrying would be continuous and not worth it to me.

2. I think I would be willing to put someone's life at risk if it were to save a close friend. It would be worth a try anyways to save your friend rather than not try at all.

Jacob C. 1-2 said...

1. I don't believe that any power is worth using if it can bring danger to me and other people.

2. I don't know what I would do...I'd like to think I wouldn't "play God" in this situation, but if I had a choice I would save the person closest to me.