Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do Hard Things

The book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris is about young people starting a "rebelution" as they call it, and stepping out of their way to do amazing things for God's glory. This book is written by two teenage twins who feel they are called to challenge the young people of the nation. They challenge the teens of the nations to rise above the world's idea of a typical teenager and to make a difference for God and for the world. They feel that many people today think that every teenager is lazy and is not willing to do anything challenging that will put them out of their comfort zone. This book shares many stories about the experiences that Alex and Brett Harris have had and the big tasks that they have taken on. These big tasks, when they worked hard, they figured out were not impossible with the help of God. The authors also challenge the readers to take a stand for what's right and to live out their faith in everything that they do. These large tasks that many kids think are impossible, are not so hard when you join hands with others and work hard to accomplish great things for God.

1) Many teenagers read this book and think that there is nothing they can actually do. They think that Alex and Brett were some extraordinary teenagers. These boys were normal kids who decided to work hard to accomplish great things. Do you think it's possible for teenagers to make a big difference in this world?

2) What do you think it means for teenagers to rise above these expectations of laziness that our world has placed upon them?


Natesa W. 7-8 said...

1. I think that teenagers can make a diference in the world. Just because someone is younger, it does not mean that they can not do great things. 2. The world has placed such a negative connotation on the word teenager, it does not take a lot for a teenager to rise above everyone and make a diference.

Ashlyn W. 7-8 said...

I agree with you Tesa. It doesn't take much these days for teenagers to exceed the low expectations placed on them.

Nicole H. 7-8 said...

1). I agree, I think that teenagers can definitely make a difference in the world. Just because we do not have the authority of adults, doesn't mean we can accomplish great things. With hard work, anything is possible.

Monica J. 1-2 said...

1. I think teenagers can make a difference in the world if they really set there mind to something and have the actul resources for it they are able to do anything.
2. believe its just teenagers doing something such as helping out or doing anything physically because there is an expectation of laziness from the teenagers.

Ashlyn W. 7-8 said...

I agree with you both. Even though we do not have the authority of adults, we can still accomplish great things.

Rafiq O. 1-2 said...

1.) Heck yeah. Teenagers can make an enormous difference in this world. They are the future, so whatever they do now affects whatever is going to happen. So if they get their minds right, set up some goals, and really, really try, they can change the world (for the better, of course).

2.)I agree with Natesa. "Teenager" does, in fact, have a negative connotation. It really shouldn't take much to rise above it.

Mitch W 1-2 said...

1. Yes.

2. It means they'll stop being lazy.

Sevgim A.1-2 said...

1. I think teens can make a big difference in the world. If they put there mind to it anything is possible.

Ganielle D. 1-2 said...

1) Its definitely possible for teens to make an impact in the world. Teenagers are the future rulers and are capable of anything if they work hard at it.
2) It means everything to "rise above" these expectations. The youth holds the world in their hands and in today's society, older citizens often have a lack of faith in teenagers because of the way a minor portion portray themselves. Its up to the major portion to show that teenagers are more than gold chains and video games.

Brandon Messner said...

1. I see teenagers as very confident minds that are also very different from adults, especially in recent history. I do not, however, see how teens can make a difference in a world controlled by adults.

2. I do not necessarily agree that teenagers have expectations of laziness automatically thrust upon them. I think that most people would agree that, while many teens are indeed lazy, a large group of teens possess a work ethic and aspirations beyond most adults.

Nathan S. 7-8 said...

1. Definitely, though I think that opportunity isn't always given due to preconceived notions of what a teenager is capable of.

Kaitlyn K 7-8 said...

1) I do think that teenagers can make a big difference if they set their mind to it. Look at all the things they accomplish by volunteering.
2) I do not think that teenagers have expectations to be lazy. Even though many teenagers are expected to be lazy many have goals that they want to work towards for later in life.

Adam B. 7-8 said...

1. I think that teenagers can make a difference but they choose not to because no one expects them to do anything so they don't do anything to make a difference.

Anna W. 1-2 said...

1. I believe it is realistic for teenagers to make a difference in the world. They are the future leaders of society in the world. It may be difficult for them to ake a difference, but I believe its not impossible. Teenagers, mostly have developed the same skills as adults to achieve success. I do believe teenagers have the ability, it is the attitude that holds it all.

2. When teenagers rise aboe the negative stereotype placed among them, it means they are growing into mature adults that will bring positive qualities into socity, rathar than expected indolence.