Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

New Moon is the second book in the Twilight Saga. In this book Bella Swan goes through one of the most difficult times in her life. Her boyfriend and "soul mate" Edward Cullen, leaves for months. When this happens shes lost and does not know what to do with her life. She feels as if all is lost. While he is gone she has no friends except for a guy name Jacob Black. He was always there for her no matter when or what she needed him. He eventually fell for Bella, however she was still hung up on Edward. When he finally returns Bella goes back to Edward even though Jacob was always there for her like he promised, not like Edward who left without realizing how hard that would be for Bella.
1. Do you think Bella made the right choice going back to Edward because they're "soul mates" or do you think that Jacob would have been better for her. Why?
2. Do you think it was better that Edward left because he was trying to protect Bella or do you think what he did was wrong?


Anonymous said...

1. I think she made the wrong choice by going back to Edward because Jacob was always there for her and Edward was not. Edward did not think about Bella's feelings when he left her.

2. I think what Edward did was wrong because Bella did not know what to do with herself while he was gone. She could have done something dangerous that could have risked her life and Edward would not have known because he left.

Sarah N. 7-8 said...

2. I think that Edward was trying to protect her and had her best interests in mind, but I do not think that what he did was right. There was no guarantee that while he was gone Bella would not get in to trouble. I think that Bella needs Edward to protect her, so he was really putting her in more danger.

Anonymous said...

1. I think Bella made the right choice by going back to Edward. Even though Jacob treated Bella very well, Edward is Bella's soul mate, not Jacob.

2. I think it was wrong of Edward to leave. He left because he cared for Bella but I think because he left, it made their relationship stronger.

Lisa T. 1-2 said...

1. Jacob may have been better for Bella, but she was right to choose the person she truly wanted to be with. If Edward really is her soul mate, they should be together.
2. Edward was wrong to leave, but he thought he was looking out for Bella and it was with good intentions.

AnaleeL7-8 said...

1) I think she made the right choice because she followed her heart but I would have stayed with Jacob if I was her.

Ashlyn W. 7-8 said...

1) I also think Bella made the right choice by going back to Edward. Even though Jacob was always there for Bella, she didn't love him like she loved Edward.

Freddy B. 7-8 said...

1.I agree with Raechal. Edward obviously didn't care enough about bella to stay around

jessica b 1/2 said...

1. I think Bella made the wrong choice by going back to Edward, because Edward was not always there for her like Jacob, and she clearly did not mean that much to him to fight for.

Megan M 1-2 said...

I agree. I think she made the wrong choice by going back to Edward but I personally do not believe in soul mates and Jacob was always there for her unlike Edward.

Megan M 1-2 said...

Also I think he was just conserned about not "hurting" her when really she was in more pain then ever before when he left.

Mia G. 1-2 said...

1. oh poop yeah! why the poop would jacob be better?! makes no sense at all. edward knows her everything, understands, doesnt get so crazy, and jake just doesnt know how to control his emotions hes a little kid. soooo not for her. she can be pretty immature herself and i think she needs someone to counteract that. fershure.

2. i think he shoulda kept an eye on her and once he saw how miserable she was for so long then he shoulda come back. all that nonsense about killing himself when he didnt even know forsure if she had died was utter bolonga.

Monica J. 1-2 said...

1. I think it was very wrong to go back to Edward. She should have gone with Jacob because he was always there fo rher, would never hurt her and once she did she would be happier.
2. I think what he did was not completely wrong. He shouldnt have hurt Bella so much after saying he loved her as much as he did but i think it was better for Bella in the long run that he did it.

Hannah K. 1-2 said...

1. I think that if Edward was who she wanted to be with, she had the right to pick based on her emotions, regardless of who had been there for her more. It wouldn't be fair to Jacob if she would just be settling for him.
2. I definitely think it was wrong, because it shows that he doesn't respect her opinions. He doesn't have the right to decide what is good or not for another person, and she was more or less capable of making her own decisions.

Spencer P. 1-2 said...

1.I think Bella did the right thing because she went to the person she wanted to be with, and after all, is not that all that matters?
2. He could have protected her just fine while also staying with her. He should have stayed and did the best he could to protect her.

Garret Edward Patrick Graehling 1/2 said...

1. I think bella would probaly be better off with a human...
2. Edward's a baby and needs to suck it up (litterally) and just maker her a vampire already

Avi D. 7/8 said...

2. I agree with Garret, Edward needs to show Belle his true feelings for her. If he would just throw out the idea of them being together as vampires I'm sure she would understand. Even though he wanted to protect Belle, Edward needs to think about himself too.

Sevgim A.1-2 said...

2. If Edward was going to leave he should have told Bella so she didn't freak out so much. Everyday was torture for her because of a boy. I think Edward knew this would happen but did it anyways.

Sarah H 1-2 said...

I think Bella made the right choice. She loves Edward and followed her heart.

Rafiq O. 1-2 said...

FIRST OFF, THIS WAS THE MOST BORING TWILIGHT BOOK... BUT, I agree with Sev. If Edward was gonna leave he should have warned Bella. I think Bella and Edward were meant to be (Don't judge me lol) NOT Jacob and Bella. They'd have some weird furry wolf-child haha