In this instillation of the Harry Potter series Harry finds him self back at his Aunt's home stuck with his Uncle's fat and rude sister. Harry leaves after causing her to inflate and takes a night bus to Diagon alley only after escaping a large black dog. At Hogwarts Harry learns that a notorious man named Sirius Black who turns out to be Harry's dad's friend. Black and Proffesor Lupin discover that Ron's pet rat is really Peter Pettigrew the man that killed Harry's Parents. After defeating Pettigrew Lupin sees the full moon and turns into a werewolf, and Black turns into a dog to defend Harry, Ron, and Hermoine. The book ends with Harry time traveling backwards to save himself and Black. On his way back to his Uncle's house for the summer he receives a letter from Black explaining that he gave Harry a quiditch broom and Ron's Owl.
Would you trust Black?
What do you think of Harry's parent's murderers living with them as a rat?
1) If I were Harry I would trust black. In this case he seems to be a loyal friend to Harry.
2) The murderer oh Harrys parents living as a rat is very ironic. It can be looked at as an example of karma as he was a person and then returned as a rat, usually considered to represent the lowest members of society.
2. I agree with Andrew. I believe Rowling was using irony to show how the murder reduced him in a way.
1. I trust Black because he was very close to Harry's parents. You can believe those who are close to your own family.
I agree with everyone. I would trust Black myself because he seems like a true friend. And being old friends with Harry's parents gives Harry another reason to trust him.
1. I think I would. Part of the fact is, I tend to believe that people are honest and would not lie to me. But also, Black seems to be honest and trustworthy, not like he's out to be murdering people.
1) I agree with everyone. I would because he defended my friends and I, so I would guess that he's one of the "goog guys."
1. I agree, Black was a friend to Harry's parents and Harry really has no one else to trust or be a close friend too.
2. If i found out that the person that killed my parents was a rat and was with us I would probably kill the rat because it's bad enough to kill people but then to pretend to be a pet to the son of the people you killed bestfriend.
1.) In the end I would trust Black, but not when I still believed him to be a mass murderer.
2.) I think that it is a very good literary twist that something so trivial as a rat could have been the cause of so much destruction.
1. I would trust Black. If i had the vibe i could trust him from him.
2. I think it was a great concept in the story but if i was Harry i would be so disgusted and horrified.
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