This book takes place in the future, after a new government takes over America. This new government calls itself the New Order. The New Order is lead by an extremely powerful man, who calls himself the One Who is One. The One Who is One, bans all forms of creativity and originality. Nearly all books, movies, poems, and music are banned because they supposedly pollute the minds of the people and prevent them from doing good for society. Including all the bans on music, anyone with special talents, is taken away from others. Some are killed, but others are taken to corrective facilities. Either way, people disappear and are never seen again.
Wisty and Whit are a young pair of twins, who have such talents, even though they do not know yet. One night, when everyone is asleep, agents from the government come to take everyone away. The family has been declared dangerous to society, and they are going to be put on trial for crimes against society. Wisty says, "It's quite hideous to get kidnapped in the dead of night, right inside your own home," (14). It is at this time, when they are trying to escape kidnappers, that they find out something very special. That they are a witch and wizard and are incredibly powerful.
Unable to control their powers or anything around them, both of them are forced to go to jail awaiting their trail. This is an unusual jail though. It is only for other children who are deemed as a threat to society. Whit says, "It looked like this whole jail was full of kids, nothing but kids" (42). All of these young kids are left in squalid conditions with no light until their trails, which likely mean death.
Whit and Wisty have to stay in the jail until their trial, which will likely end in a verdict to kill them. In order to keep from spoiling the plot, I cannot say any more.
1. Is creativity really important to life as Whit and Wisty believe? Or does it hinder efficiency as the One Who is One believes?
2. If you were in the position of the twins, would you try to escape from the jail or would you simply await for your trial and accept your punishment?
1. Without question, creativity is a higher priority than efficiency in life. Life is joyless without creativity and what would life be without joy. Without creativity, efficiency becomes meaningless because all goals are not worth achieving.
2. If the punishment is almost certainly death as you say, than I would consider escape the only option because you cannot just let yourself be executed. I mean, what could they do to you that's worse than death if they did catch you.
I believe creativity is essential to life. without it, everyone would be the same and life would feel lifeless. everything around us is made because people think differently.
1. I agree with both Tyler and Brandon. Creative gives joy to one's life and in some was it does promote effectiveness, because people strive to create new and better things.
2. I think that I would try and escape. I wouldn't be comfortable with just accepting execution. However, I would also want to try and help my twin and some of the other's escape, because none of us have done anything wrong.
1) I think creativity is definitly essential to life because its what makes everybody different. If everyone didn't have talents, people would all be the same.
2) I think I would try to escape from the jail. I would also want to help others escape as well as myself.
1.) I definitely think that creativity is extremely important to life, because without it, nobody would truly be themselves since someone's originality sets them apart from everyone around them.
1. I think creativity is important to life for many reasons. It makes people different and brings excitment to life.
1) I think that while efficiency is necessary, it is pointless without creativity. Without creativity, innovation would not exist and society could not develop. Also, creativity can be therapeutic.
2) I would try and escape, but also help the others escape, because none of us would have done anything to deserve the punishment.
1. I believe creativity is essential to the progress that has been made. Efficiency wouldn't have been thought of without the creative mind of the individual who though it up. Also efficiency includes creativity to solve problems that hinder the process of efficiency, so all in all, creativity backs everything.
2. I think I would try and escape and help others escape with me. Execution is a harsh punishment and unfit for anyone, second chances have to be given.
1. Creativity is essential to life and progress. Nothing new would ever be created, like any new inventions that we use so often today, or movies, or plays, books, etc. We would still be in the Stone Age probably, if no one would accept new ideas for doing anything. If anything, it helps efficiency.
2. If I had superpowers, I would hear my punishment first, then decide what to do. If you met One Who is One, you could make him stop this cruelty, and change things for the better.
As many people have stated, I believe creativity is a very important part of life. Creativity makes you who you are. Without being creative everyone is boring and follows the same routine and patterns.
I would try to escape because obviously no one wants to be killed especially if I did nothing wrong, so I would deffinitely try to escape.
I would try to escape rather than sit there for doing nothing wrong and getting punished for it. Plus if it is a certain death, you never know they could get executed on the spot.
1. I think creativity is a very important thing. If people weren't creative then the world would be a very plain and boring place. Creativity makes people into individuals.
As a response to everyone on question 1:
Yeah, I think creativity is really important to life. A lot of you said that life would be boring and monotonous without creativity and personal differences.
Brandon M. - You do bring up a good point. If you're going to die anyway then you might as well try to get out of it. I never thought of that.
1. Creativity is essential to life because without it, no one would be unique and different and everyone would be exactly the same. People need creativity in their life to live their life to the fullest.
2. If I was in the position of the twins I would try to escape. I could never imagine spending my life sitting in a closed in jail cell. I need people in my life so I would do anything I could to get out of jail.
1. Creativity is more important to life because without creativity people would not be who they really are, everyone would be the same
1. Yes, I think that creativity is extremely important to life. Expression and cretivity are what make life beautiful and worth living. I think that instead of slowing efficiency they inspire people to do more and to do it better.
2. I think that if I were in the twins postion I would try to escape. Staying and waiting for a verdict basically means certain death, while escaping only means possible death. I would take my chances with escape.
1.) Yeah, I agree with Abby. Creativity does make life more beautiful. It also creates that sense of individuality and self-worth that people need to embrace.It makes us unique...
2.) I would definitely try to escape. One, because that would be a great story to tell to my grandkids someday, and two, because I wouldn't want to DIE :)
1. With out a doubt creativity hinders the efficiency of your life. When you stop to create or do something you spend more time doing it differently then you would if you just did it the way you were suppose to in the first place.
2. Their basically in a situation where it could be death either way. So I would go for that small chance.
1.) Efficiency means virtually nothing compared to creativity. Life would be boring and not worth living without creativity, no matter how efficient that life was.
2.) I would try and escape prison because the reason for the imprisonment was unfair.
1. I think that efficiency and creativity coincide with each other. To be truly efficient, you need to be creative. If you are just creative, than it is hard to live because you will never really do anything. But if you are only efficient, than life isn't very fun. You need both things to be happy.
2. Honestly, I would probably just wait to see what the verdict was. I would wait and plan a way to escape that would for sure get me out. But, I would only use it if I was guilty. If they say I'm innocent, trying to escape will only turn me guilty.
1. Creativity is important to life. Without it, there would be no variety. Life would be dull.
2. I would definitely try to excape the jail if I believed that the trial spelled certain death. Obviously if I was an extremely powerful wizard I would have no trouble breaking out.
1) Creativity is very important in life because life would be very boring without creativity.
2) I would try to escape from the jail if i was them because if the trial would most likely end in death then you might as well die trying to escape and fighting then waiting for your trial.
1) Creativity brings about the diffrences in life and without them life would be boring and repetative.
2) If I were in their situation I would try to escape because there may be a chance to live after escaping.
2) if i had the choice i would definitley try to escape. there is always the chance you get caught but if your punishment is already going to be death, you can not just sit and let yourself die.
1. Creativity is definetly an important part of life because it can create someones individualism and make each person different and special.
2. I would try to get the courage to escape because if im already most likely going to die might as well give your last shot some hope of living.
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