Abhorsen is the third book of Garth Nix's best selling series. It continues off from where Lirael left off. Lirael and prince Sameth are desperately trying to stop Orannis's. Lirael has just found out she is the abhorsen in waiting and Sameth is starting to conquer his fear of the undead. Nix states, "Sam had been open about his fear of Death and the Dead, and his desire to hide out here in the heavily protected house. But he had over come his fear, at least for now."(28).
The two travel from the abhorsen's safe house to the battles of war. They are alone in their conquest, and more then likely they will be killed trying to save both the old kingdom and the new one. Lirael and Sameth eventually find Nick, Sameth's friend who has been possessed by the evil Orannis. The two manage to drag him away from the undead however he is captured by the undead again and they travel to the new kingdom.
There they find out that the place is swarming with the undead armies, and they are preparing a way to unleash the Destroyer, Orannis, on the world. Nix writes, "She's waiting for the second lot of Dead. Close to a thousand..."(350). The two fight a desperate battle and finally meet up with prince Sameth's parents, who they were told had died before. Several other people from their journey appear as well. As Orannis is being unleashed they prepare a binding spell to control him. Eventually they succeed, but they almost lose their lives. Lirael is cost her friend and her hand in such a risky endeavor. However she knows she has done the right thing.
1) If you were told that you were the only hope for defeating a monster that destroyed worlds, what would you do? Do you think you would have enough courage to complete your task at such a young age even if it meant you might die in the process?
1.) I would definitely hope that I could find enough courage to take on such difficult task even if it meant my death, because if I didn't do anything I'd be worried that the monster would come after my world next.
1) Unfortunately, I don't think I would have the courage to fight the monster. I'd be too scared, and sadly, I would fail at keeping my community alive. I feel as though people that courageous are only found in movies and books, but then again monsters don't exist. Therefore, no I wouldn't be able to take on the monster.
1. If I was the only hope for eliminating such a monster I would certainly work up the courage to undertake the task. That's barely a choice: Die by a courageous act that you might live through, or die for sure by being a disappointment to those who rely on you to save them? (That's a rhetorical question)
I don't know if I would have the courage to do that, however, if my friends or family were threatened and many people were being killed by the monster, I think I would do my best to save those people even if it meant my death.
1. Sad to say, but I do not think I would have enough courage to complete such a dangerous task like that. Especially being young, and knowing that I could die in the process.
Being the only hope for everyone I care about would probably put a lot of pressure on me, and I suppose that could either bring out some hidden bravery in myself or just cause me to crack under pressure and run away from the responsibility. While I would feel obligated to do what I can for my friends and family, I doubt I would have the courage to carry out that duty.
While I would hope to have the courage to try, because not trying to defeat the monster would most likely just result in my death along with countless others, it would be hard to gather the courage. I don't think a person could answer that question until put in the situation.
1. I dont think i would have enough courage to take on such a big task. I would try as much as I could but I dont know if I could do it. I guess since it would help save others, I would try to do as muc as I could even if I might die in the process.
Like Sara and Brandon are saying I sort of could see myself going both ways. If there was pretty much no other choice I would try to do my best. However I would still be scared at wits end doing it. I also think that courage is found more in books, movies, and fiction more then actual day life.
@Hannah K.
I think your right, courage is the sort of thing that you don't know you have until the situation demands it.
1. I say that I would try to face the task and hardships that come with it, but i would probably end up trying to give some unsuspecting person the responsibility because it seems liek alot of hard work.
I would have no clue what i would do in that situation. i would hope that if it ever happened i would get the courage meraculously to save the world but thinking about it it would be a tough task but i would try my best.
I would have no clue what i would do in that situation. i would hope that if it ever happened i would get the courage meraculously to save the world but thinking about it it would be a tough task but i would try my best.
1. If I were chosen to defeat a monster I would definitely not be able to muster up the courage to do it. To answer Brandon Messner's Rhetorical question, yes I would rather die by the hands of a mob than suffer at the hands of a beast.
If peoples lives were at stake I would man up but I doubt I would fight a monster for no reason.
1) I think I would crack under pressure the responsibility of high school is enough to stress me out.
1. If it was the only way to save my friends and family, and everyone in the world I think that I would at least try to defeat the monster. I would not want everyone to die because I was too much of a coward to fight.
Well, even if my death when fighting the monster was a sure thing, it would be a choice between dieing while fighting for a cause or dieing later when that monster decides to destroy my world. When you add in the fact that I would have a small chance of beating the monster, I say that's a pretty easy choice!
For me, I would be too scared to do anything. I may try to run away, at that young of an age, I don't believe I would have the courage to face a monster like that.
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